Items where Year is 2017

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Number of items: 293.

Turner, Jennifer and Peters, Kimberley, eds. (2017) Carceral mobilities: interrogating movement in incarceration. Routledge studies in human geography (68). Routledge, London ; New York. ISBN 978-1-138-18404-6

Puffert, Rahel and Westphal, Günter, eds. (2017) Heft#4. Dokumentation Werkhaus Münzviertel. Modellprojekt zur Verschränkung von Pädagogik, Kunst & Quartiersarbeit). Eigenverlag, Hamburg. ISBN 978-3-9817713-2-9

Doering, Sabine and Weber, Matthias, eds. (2017) Online-Lexikon zur Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa (erw. Fassung 2017). BKGE Selbstverlag, Oldenburg.

Dunkel, Mario and Oberhaus, Lars, eds. (2017) Schriftenreihe MAOS Musikpädagogische Arbeiten Oldenburger Studierender. Eigenverlag.

Hoffmann, Freia and Timmermann, Volker, eds. (2017) „So ein glänzendes Elend ist der Künstlerstand!“ Aus dem Tagebuch der Violoncellistin Rosa Suck. Wien 1859 und Paris 1866. Schriftenreihe des Sophie Drinker Instituts, 13 . BIS-Verlag, Oldenurg. ISBN 978-3-8142-2357-5

Acikgoz , A. S. and Cakmak, B. and Tuten, A. and Oncul, M. and Eskalen, S. and Demirkiran , F. and Arvas, M. and Güralp, Sahin Onur (2017) Can preoperative neutrophil to lymphocyte and platelet to lymphocyte ratios predict cervical stromal involvement in endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma? European journal of gynaecological oncology, 38 (1). pp. 20-24. ISSN 0392-2936

Adam, Jörg (2017) Platin-Nanopartikel für die heterogene Katalyse: Synthese und Charakterisierung durch die Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Adler, Christian and Schmidtmann, Marc and Beckhaus, Rüdiger (2017) Crystal structure of n-butyl-tris(dicyclo-hexylamido)hafnium(IV), C40H75HfN3. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie / New crystal structures, 232 (4). pp. 623-625. ISSN 1433-7266

Alkemeyer, Thomas and Brümmer, Kristina (2017) Subjektivierung und Techniken des Selbst. In: Handbuch schweigendes Wissen. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim ; Basel, pp. 700-711. ISBN 978-3-7799-3127-0

Alkemeyer, Thomas and Brümmer, Kristina and Pille, Thomas (2017) Intercorporeality at the motor block: on the importance of a practical sense for social cooperation and coordination. In: Intercorporeality: emerging socialities in interaction. Foundations of human interaction series . Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 203-236. ISBN 978-0-19-021046-5

Ashida, Go and Tollin, Daniel J. and Kretzberg, Jutta (2017) Physiological models of the lateral superior olive. PLoS Computational Biology, 13 (12). e1005903. ISSN 1553-7358

Avomo Ngomo, Joceline Sydela-Lya (2017) Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Verfahrens zur Optimierung des Speicheraufwands bei Bernstein- und verwandten Copulas. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Bach, Jörg-Hendrik and Kollmeier, Birger and Anemüller, Jörn (2017) Matching Pursuit Analysis of Auditory Receptive Fields' Spectro-Temporal Properties. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 11. ISSN 1662-5137

Bakenhus, Insa and Dlugosch, Leon and Billerbeck, Sara and Giebel, Helge-Ansgar and Milke, Felix and Simon, Meinhard (2017) Composition of total and cell-proliferating bacterioplankton community in early summer in the North Sea : Roseobacters are the most active component. Frontiers in microbiology, 8. ISSN 1664-302X

Beck, Hauke and Kühn, Martin (2017) Dynamic data filtering of long-range Doppler LiDAR wind speed measurements. Remote sensing, 9 (6). p. 561. ISSN 2072-4292

Behrens, Melanie Kirstin (2017) Controls on rare earth element and neodymium isotope distributions in the West Pacific: local imprint vs. lateral transport. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Beis , Daniel and Paluch, Richard and Raich, Joachim (2017) Raumwahrnehmung und a priori-Raum: Anmerkungen zum interdisziplinären Diskurs. In: Anthropologie der Wahrnehmung. Schriften des Marsilius-Kollegs (16). Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg, pp. 395-422. ISBN 3-8253-6756-8=978-3-8253-6756-5

Bleichner, Martin G. and Debener, Stefan (2017) Concealed, unobtrusive ear-centered EEG acquisition: cEEGrids for transparent EEG. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11. p. 163. ISSN 1662-5161

Blum, Laura (2017) Jugendkulturelle Praktiken in Bezug auf Musik im Social Web - Eine Literaturrecherche. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_bachelor" not defined], Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Blum, Sarah and Debener, Stefan and Emkes, Reiner and Volkening, Nils and Fudickar, Sebastian and Bleichner, Martin G. (2017) EEG recording and online signal processing on Android: a multiapp framework for brain-computer interfaces on smartphone. BioMed research international. p. 3072870. ISSN 2314-6133

Blázquez-Salcedo, Jose Luis (2017) Radially excited AdS5 black holes in Einstein–Maxwell–Chern–Simons theory. Entropy, 19 (11). p. 567. ISSN 1099-4300

Brandt, Tobias and Grawunder, Marco (2017) Moving object stream processing with short-time prediction. In: Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on GeoStreaming: SIGSPATIAL'17, 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Informations Systems ; Redondo Beach, California, USA, November 07 - 10, 2017. ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 49-56.

Brandt, Tobias Leo (2017) Processing moving object data streams with data stream management systems. In: Proceedings of the VLDB 2017 PhD Workshop. CEUR workshop proceedings, 1882 . RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany.

Braun, Niclas (2017) Neurocognitive aspects and clinical relevance of bodily self-awareness. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Braun, Niclas and Kranczioch, Cornelia and Liepert, Joachim and Dettmers, Christian and Zich, Catharina and Büsching, Imke and Debener, Stefan (2017) Motor imagery impairment in postacute stroke patients. Neural plasticity, 2017. p. 4653256. ISSN 2090-5904

Bringedal, Berit and Christen, Markus and Biller-Andorno, Nikola and Matsuzaki, Hironori and Rábano, Alberto (2017) "Strangers" in neuroscientific research. In: The human sciences after the decade of the brain. Academic Press, London, pp. 249-272. ISBN 978-0-12-804205-2

Brokate, Barbara and Reimer, Jens and Hildebrandt, Helmut (2017) Characteristics of depressive symptoms in mental illnesses and multiple sclerosis: a retrospective data analysis. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 28 (3-4). pp. 197-205. ISSN 1016-264X

Brümmer, Kristina and Alkemeyer, Thomas (2017) Bausteine zu einer Geschichte 'schweigenden Wissens'. In: Handbuch schweigendes Wissen. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim ; Basel, pp. 29-44. ISBN 978-3-7799-3127-0

Brümmer, Kristina and Alkemeyer, Thomas (2017) Practice as a shared accomplishment: intercorporeal attuntement in acrobatics. In: Moving bodies in interaction - interacting bodies in modion: intercorporality, interkinesthesia, and enaction in sports. Advances in interaction studies, 8 . John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 27-56. ISBN 978-90-272-0462-2 - 978-90-272-6555-5

Bunjes, Farina and Fleischmann, Peter and Pietzner, Verena and Rühl, Martin and Zorn, Holger (2017) Natural experiments: chemistry with mushrooms. Science in school (42). pp. 36-41. ISSN 1818-0361

Burfeind, Benjamin Jonas (2017) Zum Verhalten wässriger Aminlösungen in der absorptiven Gasaufbereitung. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Busse, Vera (2017) Critical Incidents – zwischen Cultural Awareness und kultureller Reduktion. Praxis Fremdsprachenunterricht (2). pp. 13-14. ISSN 1613-0901

Busse, Vera (2017) Plurilingualism in Europe: exploring attitudes towards English and other European languages among adolescents in Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain. Modern language journal, 101 (3). pp. 566-582. ISSN 1540-4781

Busse, Vera (2017) Zur Förderung positiver Einstellungen gegenüber sprachlicher Diversität als europäisches Bildungsziel: Status quo und Desiderate. Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung, 28 (1). pp. 53-75. ISSN 0939-7299

Busse, Vera and Riedesel, Lisa and Krause, Ulrike-Marie (2017) Anregung von Reflexionsprozessen zur Förderung interkultureller Kompetenz : Ergebnisse einer Interventions- und einer Interviewstudie. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 63 (3). pp. 362-386. ISSN 0044-3247

Bütof, Sarah Janine (2017) Organizational principles of spontaneously arising functional connectivity in the human brain. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Caroline, Lücke and Jürgen M., Gschossmann and Katharina, Bachmann and Peter, Sörös and Klügel, Stephanie and Philipsen, Alexandra and Helge H., Müller (2017) Somatic illness and hospitalization as triggers for psychiatric disorders of the affective spectrum: results of a large study on consultation-liaison psychiatry. Journal of depression & anxiety, 6 (3). ISSN 2167-1044

Carr, C.E. and Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. and Edds-Walton, P. and Köppl, Christine and Tang, Y. and Young, B.A. and Willis, K.L. (2017) Evolutionary trends in hearing in nonmammalian vertebrates. In: Evolution of nervous systems. Elsevier, Kidlington, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 291-308. ISBN 0-12-804096-3=978-0-12-804096-6

Cebrián Piqueras, Miguel Angel (2017) Trade-offs and synergies between forage production, species conservation and carbon stocks in temperate coastal wet grasslands : an ecosystem services and process-based approach. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Chattopadhyay, Kabitri (2017) Optimization of spatial balancing and storage needs for large-scale power system integration of fluctuating solar energy. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Chen, Ling-Chia and Puschmann, Sebastian and Debener, Stefan (2017) Increased cross-modal functional connectivity in cochlear implant users. Scientific reports, 7 (1). p. 10043. ISSN 2045-2322

Chen, Ling-Chia and Stropahl, Maren and Schönwiesner, Marc and Debener, Stefan and Schoenwiesner, Marc (2017) Enhanced visual adaptation in cochlear implant users revealed by concurrent EEG-fNIRS. NeuroImage, 146. pp. 600-608. ISSN 1053-8119

Colonius, Hans and Diederich, Adele (2017) Measuring multisensory integration: from reaction times to spike counts. Scientific reports, 7 (1). ISSN 2045-2322

Colonius, Hans and Wolff, Felix Hermann and Diederich, Adele (2017) Trimodal race model inequalities in multisensory integration: I. Basics. Frontiers in psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

Correa, Siouxsie (2017) Vascular epiphytes as bioindicators of climate change and their own vulnerability. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Daxner, Michael (2017) A Society of Intervention - An Essay on Conflicts in Afghanistan and Other Military Interventions. Monografie. BIS-Verlag, Oldenburg, ISBN 978-3-8142-2358-2.

Demircioğlu, Özden and Salas, José Fabio López and Rey, Germain and Weiss, Thomas and Mousel, Marina and Redinger, Alex and Siebentritt, Susanne and Parisi, Jürgen and Gütay, Levent (2017) Optical properties of Cu_2ZnSnSe_4 thin films and identification of secondary phases by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Optics express, 25 (5). pp. 5327-5340. ISSN 1094-4087

Desiraju, Naveen Kumar and Doclo, Simon and Wolff, Tobias (2017) Efficient multichannel acoustic echo cancellation using constrained tap selection schemes in the subband domain. EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing, 2017 (1). ISSN 1687-6180

Di Spiezio Sardo, Attilio and Calagna, Gloria and Santangelo, Fabrizia and Zizolfi, Brunella and Tanos, Vasilis and Perino, Antonino and Wilde, Rudy Leon de (2017) The role of hysteroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of adenomyosis. BioMed research international, 2017. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2314-6133

Dmitriyev, Viktor and Kruse, Felix and Precht, Hauke and Becker, Simon and Solsbach, Andreas and Marx Gómez, Jorge Carlos (2017) Building a big data analytical pipeline with Hadoop for processing enterprise XML data. The 11th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2017).

Dongmo, Saustin (2017) Local electrochemical formation and selective detection of reactive oxygen species. PhD, Universität Oldenburg..

Dressler, Jana-Katharina (2017) Lernprozesse von Chemielehramtsstudierenden hinsichtlich des Experimentierens im Schulpraktikum. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Dreyer, Alexander M. and Herrmann, Christoph S. and Rieger, Jochem W. (2017) Tradeoff between user experience and BCI classification accuracy with frequency modulated steady-state visual evoked potentials. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11. ISSN 1662-5161

Drgas, Szymon and Virtanen, Tuomas and Lücke , Jörg and Hurmalainen, Antti (2017) Binary non-negative matrix deconvolution for audio dictionary learning. IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing, 25 (8). pp. 1644-1656. ISSN 2329-9290

Droste , Rainer (2017) Modellbasierte Planung zur Unterstützung der Gefährdungsbeurteilung maritimer Operationen. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Dutz, Katharina and Campbell, Marietta and Landherr, Jan (2017) Action- and productoriented language acquisition. In: Veranstaltungsreihe "Arrival Cities".

Ebbers, Lena and Weber, Maren and Nothwang, Hans Gerd (2017) Activity-dependent formation of a vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter gradient in the superior olivary complex of NMRI mice. BMC neuroscience, 18 (1). ISSN 1471-2202

Ecke, Thorsten H. and Barski, Dimitri and Weingart, Guido and Lange, Carsten and Hallmann, Steffen and Ruttloff, Jürgen and Wawroschek, Friedhelm and Gerullis, Holger (2017) Presentation of a method at the exploration stage according to IDEAL: percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) under local infiltrative anesthesia is a feasible and effective method - retrospective analysis of 439 patients. International journal of medical sciences, 14 (4). pp. 302-309. ISSN 1449-1907

Ehrich, Jannik and Andreas, Engel (2017) Stochastic thermodynamics of interacting degrees of freedom: fluctuation theorems for detached path probabilities. Physical review / E, 96 (4). ISSN 2470-0053

Eilers, Reef Janes (2017) Abstraction of aging models for high level degradation prediction. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Einzmann, Helena J. R. and Zotz, Gerhard (2017) Dispersal and establishment of vascular epiphytes in human-modified landscapes. AoB PLANTS, 9 (6). ISSN 2041-2851

Enriquez-Geppert, Stefanie and Huster, René J. and Herrmann, Christoph S. (2017) EEG-neurofeedback as a tool to modulate cognition and behavior: a review tutorial. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11. ISSN 1662-5161

Erkeling, Sabrina (2017) Die rechtliche Zulässigkeit des Verbots des Handels mit virtuellen Gegenständen und Avataren durch die Betreiber von Online-Games : Real Money Trade zwischen Spieler- und Betreiberinteressen, AGB- und Kartellrecht. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Exarchakis, Georgios (2017) Probabilistic models for invariant representations and transformations. PhD, Universtität Oldenburg.

Exarchakis, Georgios and Lücke, Jörg (2017) Discrete sparse coding. Neural computation, 29 (11). pp. 2979-3013. ISSN 1530-888X

Fackler, Michael (2017) Experience rating of (re)insurance premiums under uncertainty about past inflation. PhD, Universiität Oldenburg.

Fedderwitz, Hanna (2017) Preparation and characterization of cuprous oxide thin films using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Fischer, Malte and Schmidtmann, Marc and Beckhaus, Rüdiger (2017) Crystal structure of the formal 20 electron zirconocene pentafulvene complex Cp2Zr(η5,η1-adamantylidenepentafulvene):toluene:n-hexane = 1:0.125:0.125. Acta crystallographica: Section E, Crystallographic communications, 73 (12). pp. 1823-1826. ISSN 2056-9890

Fischer, Marten and Scholz-Böttcher, Barbara M. (2017) Simultaneous trace identification and quantification of common types of microplastics in environmental samples by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Environmental science & technology, 51 (9). pp. 5052-5060. ISSN 0013-936X - 1520-5851

Fleetwood, Jennifer and Turner, Jennifer (2017) The backpacker’s guide to the prison: (in)formalizing prison boundaries in Latin America. In: The Palgrave handbook of prison tourism. Palgrave studies in prisons and penology . Palgrave Macmillan, London, United Kingdom, pp. 887-908. ISBN 978-1-137-56134-3, e-isbn: 978-1-137-56135-0

Fodor, Lajos (2017) Der Griff nach dem Absoluten. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Forkusam, Akem Noela (2017) Transnational microfinance and mission drift: evidence from Sub Saharan Africa. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Forster, Dennis and Lücke , Jörg (2017) Truncated variational EM for semi-supervised neural simpletrons. In: IJCNN 2017 : the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2017.05.14-19, Anchorage, Alaska.

Friedrichs, Anna and Busch, Julia and van der Woerd, Hendrik and Zielinski, Oliver (2017) SmartFluo: A Method and Affordable Adapter to Measure Chlorophyll a Fluorescence with Smartphones. Sensors, 17 (4). p. 678. ISSN 1424-8220

Friepörtner, Stephanie (2017) Intubationslarynxtubus (iLTS) versus direkte Laryngoskopie (DL) bei Patienten mit simuliertem schwierigem Atemweg. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Fritz-Hoffmann, Christian (2017) Die Formen des Berührens : zur vermittelten Unmittelbarkeit sozialer Praxis. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Fröhling, Judith (2017) Abstract flexibility description for virtual power plant scheduling. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Gao, Yang (2017) Verification of Stochastic Systems by Stochastic Satisfiability Modulo Theories with Continuous Domain (CSSMT). PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Gebhardt, Birthe (2017) Ein Analyse-Framework für zeitabhängige reaktive Ablaufplanung. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Gerullis, Holger and Eitzen, Arne and Uphoff, Jens and Daaboul, Fadi and Chavan, Ajay and Ermert, Leander and Wawroschek, Friedhelm and Winter, Alexander (2017) Recurrent symphysitis culminating in pelvic ring fracture after hyperextended transurethral prostate resection and vaporization with symphysis erosion: a case report. Journal of medical case reports, 11 (1). ISSN 1752-1947

Gezgin, Tayfun (2017) State-based timing analysis for distributed systems. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Ghasemzadeh, Arezou (2017) The same, but different: young protagonists and their space of possibilities as portrayed in Turkish-German migration literature - a transcultural perspective. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Gieseler, Anja and Tahden, Maike A. S. and Thiel, Christiane M. and Wagener, Kirsten C. and Meis, Markus and Colonius, Hans (2017) Auditory and non-auditory contributions for unaided speech recognition in noise as a function of hearing aid use. Frontiers in psychology, 8. p. 219. ISSN 1664-1078

Gollücke, Volker (2017) Bewertung von Simulationszuständen für eine gezielte Analyse risikoreicher Systeme. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Grothmann, Torsten and Petzold, Maximilian and Ndaki, Patrick and Kakembo, Vincent and Siebenhüner, Bernd and Kleyer, Michael and Yanda, Pius and Ndou, Naledzani (2017) Vulnerability assessment in African villages under conditions of land use and climate change: case studies from Mkomazi and Keiskamma. Sustainability, 9 (6). p. 976. ISSN 2071-1050

Großekappenberg, Henning (2017) Eigenschaften und Reaktionen tertiärer und sekundärer Silylkationen sowie aluminiumbasierter Lewis-Säuren. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Grüner, Nico (2017) Fitness-based classification of phytoplankton species from the southern North Sea. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Gurevich, Pavel and Stuke, Hannes and Kastrup, Andreas and Stuke, Heiner and Hildebrandt, Helmut (2017) Neuropsychological testing and machine learning distinguish Alzheimer’s disease from other causes for cognitive impairment. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 9. ISSN 1663-4365

Gómez González, Diana C. and Rodríguez Quiel, Calixto and Zotz, Gerhard and Bader, Maaike Y. (2017) Species richness and biomass of epiphytic vegetation in a tropical montane forest in Western Panama. Tropical conservation science, 10. ISSN 1940-0829

Gößwein, Jonathan and Grosse, Julian and van de Par, Steven (2017) Stereophonic microphone array for the recording of the direct sound field in a reverberant environment. Applied Sciences, 7 (6). p. 541. ISSN 2076-3417

Haase, Luzie (2017) Kenntnisse, Einstellungen und Bewertungen von Jugendlichen bezüglich chemischer Berufe: Ergebnisse einer Fragebogenstudie in der Sekundarstufe I an allgemein bildenden Schulen. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Hachimi, Mohammed el (2017) Berufliche Aufstiege von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund : eine qualitativ-methodische Rekonstruktion ihrer Strategien, Barrieren und Aufstiegsverläufe. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Hagen, Melanie and Faust, Beatrice and Kunzelmann, Nina and Tektas, Ozan Y. and Kornhuber, Johannes and Müller, Helge H. O. (2017) Changing focus of symptoms: A rare case report of Munchhausen’s syndrome. Mental illness, 9 (2). ISSN 2036-7457

Hamann, Cornelia and Abed Ibrahim, Lina (2017) Methods for identifying specific language impairment in bilingual populations in Germany. Frontiers in communication, 2. ISSN 2297-900X

Hartermann, Viktoria (2017) Auch dies sah ich, dass es von Gottes Hand kommt (Koh 2,24a) : die Theologie des Buches Kohelet. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Hartmann, Alexander K. and Nuel, Grégory (2017) Using triplet ordering preferences for estimating causal effects in the analysis of gene expression data. PLoS one, 12 (1). e0170514. ISSN 1932-6203

Hartmann, Anna-Maria and Pisella, Lucie I. and Medina, Igor and Nothwang, Hans Gerd (2017) Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of two cation chloride cotransporter subfamily members of Hydra vulgaris. PLoS one, 12 (6). e0179968. ISSN 1932-6203

Hehmsoth, Carl-Conrad (2017) Vorstellungen von Grundschullehrer_innen zu Grundlagen der Psychotraumatologie und dem Umgang mit traumatisierten Kindern in der Grundschule. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Heißelmann, Hendrik (2017) The sphere anemometer: optimization for atmospheric wind measurements. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Herz, Florian (2017) Wärmestrahlung eines Nanoteilchens oberhalb eines dielektrischen Substrats. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_bachelor" not defined], Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Hoenes, Josch and Koch, Michael_a (2017) Transfer und Interaktion : Wissenschaft und Aktivismus an den Grenzen heteronormativer Zweigeschlechtlichkeit. Monografie. BIS-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8142-2347-6.

Hoenes, Josch and Koch, Michaela (2017) Wissenschaftspolitik an den Grenzen heteronormativer Zweigeschlechtlichkeit : Einleitung. In: Transfer und Interaktion : Wissenschaft und Aktivismus an den Grenzen heteronormativer Zweigeschlechtlichkeit. Oldenburger Beiträge zur Geschlechterforschung, 15 . BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, pp. 7-22. ISBN 978-3-8142-2347-6

Hoffmann, Falk and Schmiemann, Guido (2017) Influence of age and sex on hospitalization of nursing home residents: a cross-sectional study from Germany. BMC health services research, 17 (1). ISSN 1472-6963

Holca-Lamarre, Raphaël and Lücke, Jörg and Obermayer, Klaus (2017) Models of acetylcholine and dopamine signals differentially improve neural representations. Frontiers in computational neuroscience, 11. p. 54.

Huchzermeier, Philipp (2017) The Big Band Theory -- Big Band-Arbeit und -Leitung an allgemeinbildenden Schulen als Praxisfeld von Musiklehrkräften. Musikpädagogische Arbeiten Oldenburger Studierender, Bd. 1 . /oops/, Oldenburg.

Häsel-Weide, Uta and Hintz, Anna-Maria (2017) Soziale Begegnungen beim (kooperativen) Lernen im Mathematikunterricht. In: Gemeinsam Mathematik lernen: mit allen Kindern rechnen. Grundschulverband e.V. , Frankfurt am Main, pp. 78-87. ISBN 978-3-941649-22-4

Häseler, Jörg and Creydt, Marina and Dingel, Anna and Doert, Martin and Fischer, Markus and Humpf, Hans-Ulrich and Kroh, Lothar W. and Matissek, Reinhard and Pietzner, Verena and Pischetsrieder, Monika and Rühl, Martin and Schnapka, Julia and Schrenk, Dieter and Vilcinskas, Andreas and Zorn, Holger (2017) Mahlzeit! Prost! Wohl bekomms! In: Unendliche Weiten: kreuz und quer durchs Chemie-Universum. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 146-155. ISBN 3-527-34203-6 987-3-527-34203-7

Janacek, Stefan (2017) Identifikation von Freiheitsgraden und Wechselwirkungen in Rechenzentren unter Betrachtung elektrischer und thermischer Energie. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Jankowski, Michael (2017) Candidate characteristics, party positions and voter heuristics: analyzing the political supply- and demand-side of politics. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Jarcev, S. D. and Miljuškin, A. L. and Chesina, Z. B. and Revina, А. А. and Suvorova, О. V. and Rößner, Frank and Petuchova, G. A. and Burjak, A. K. (2017) Получение и исследование каталитической активности шунгита, модифицированного наночастицами меди = Synthesis and study of catalytical activity of shungite modified with copper. Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы = Sorption and chromatography processes, 17 (2). pp. 212-219. ISSN 1680-0613

Jubran, Oday (2017) Recurrence in Self-Stabilization: Theory, Verification, and Application. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Kahlen, Marcel and Engel, Andreas and Van den Broeck, Christian (2017) Large deviations in Taylor dispersion. Physical review / E, 95 (012144). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2470-0053 - 1550-2376

Kaiser, Steffen (2017) Heranwachsen im Spannungsfeld von Schule und Pflegetätigkeiten : eine empirische Studie zur schulischen Situation von pflegenden Jugendlichen. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Kalverkamp, Matthias and Pehlken, Alexandra and Wuest, Thorsten (2017) Cascade use and the management of product lifecycles. Sustainability, 9 (9). p. 1540. ISSN 2071-1050

Kapp, Stefan (2017) Lidar-based reconstruction of wind fields and application for wind turbine control. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Karrasch, Leena and Maier, Martin and Kleyer, Michael and Klenke, Thomas (2017) Collaborative landscape planning: co-design of ecosystem-based land management scenarios. Sustainability, 9 (9). p. 1668. ISSN 2071-1050

Kasten, Florian H. and Herrmann, Christoph S. (2017) Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) enhances mental rotation performance during and after stimulation. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11. ISSN 1662-5161

Kaya, Baris and Damarer, Zeki and Daglar, Korkut and Unal, Orhan and Soliman, Amr A. and Güralp, Sahin Onur (2017) Is there yet a role for internal iliac artery ligation in obstetric hemorrhage with the current gain in popularity of other uterus sparing techniques? The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine, 30 (11). pp. 1325-1332. ISSN 1476-7058

Kaya, Baris and Usluogullari, B. and Yurttutan, N. and Sahan, M. H. and Güralp, Sahin Onur and Malik, Eduard (2017) Does ligation of internal iliac artery for postpartum hemorrhage affect clitoral artery blood flow and postpartum sexual functions? European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology (219). pp. 124-128. ISSN 0301-2115

Kerbstadt, Stefanie and Pengel, Dominik and Johannmeyer, Daniela and Englert, Lars and Bayer, Tim and Wollenhaupt, Matthias (2017) Control of photoelectron momentum distributions by bichromatic polarization-shaped laser fields. New journal of physics, 19 (10). p. 103017. ISSN 1367-2630

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