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Kollmann, Heiko and Esmann, Martin and Witt, Julia and Markovic, Aleksandra and Smirnov, Vladimir and Wittstock, Gunther and Silies, Martin and Lienau, Christoph (2018) Fourier-transform spatial modulation spectroscopy of single gold nanorods. Nanophotonics, 7 (4). pp. 715-726. ISSN 2192-8614
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Engel, Robin (2018) Planing, Simulation and Preparation of a Magnetic Resonant Imaging Experiment based on the Detection of Anisotropic gamma-Radiation from Hyperpolarized Isomers. Masters, Universität Oldenburg.
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López Salas, José Fabio (2018) Modeling and simulation of charge carrier recombination dynamics in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
Pareek, Devendra and Gonzalez, Marco A. and Zohrabian, Jannik and Sayed, Mohamed H. and Steenhoff, Volker and Lattyak, Colleen and Vehse, Martin and Agert, Carsten and Parisi, Jürgen and Schäfer, Sascha and Gütay, Levent (2018) A vapor-phase-assisted growth route for large-scale uniform deposition of MoS2 monolayer films. RSC Advances, 9 (1). pp. 107-113. ISSN 2046-2069
Pengel, Dominik (2018) Dreidimensionale Kontrolle von freien Elektronenwellenpaketen mit polarisationsgeformten, ultrakurzen Laserpulsen. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
Radychev, Nikolay and Keshtov, Mukhamed L. and Borchert, Holger and Bondarchuk, Yevgeni and Kuklin, Serge A. and Korotaeva, Anna and Xie, Zhi-Yuan and Godovsky, Dmitri and Chochlov, Aleksej R. and Parisi, Jürgen (2018) Opto-electrical properties of composite materials based on two benzotrithiophene copolymers and fullerene derivatives. Journal of nanomaterials, 2018. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1687-4129
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Reininghaus, Nies (2018) Silicon thin film concepts for building integrated photovoltaic applications. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
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Rott, Andreas and Doekemeijer, Bart and Seifert, Janna Kristina and van Wingerden, Jan-Willem and Kühn, Martin (2018) Robust active wake control in consideration of wind direction variability and uncertainty. Wind energy science, 3 (2). pp. 869-882. ISSN 2366-7451
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Schottler, Jannik and Bartl, Jan and Mühle, Franz and Sætran, Lars and Peinke, Joachim and Hölling, Michael (2018) Wind tunnel experiments on wind turbine wakes in yaw: redefining the wake width. Wind energy science, 3 (1). pp. 257-273. ISSN 2366-7451
Smoor, Steffen (2018) Lehr-Lern-Labore als Instrument der Professionalisierung im Lehramtsstudium Physik. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
Sternke, Tammo (2018) An ultracold high-flux source for matter-wave interferometry in microgravity. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
Traphan, Dominik and Herráez Hernández, Iván and Meinlschmidt, Peter and Schlüter, Friedrich and Peinke, Joachim and Gülker, Gerd (2018) Remote surface damage detection on rotor blades of operating wind turbines by means of infrared thermography. Wind energy science, 3 (2). pp. 639-650. ISSN 2366-7451
Valldecabres, Laura and Nygaard, Nicolai Gayle and Vera Tudela Carreno, Luis Enrique and von Bremen, Lüder and Kühn, Martin (2018) On the use of dual-doppler radar measurements for very short-term wind power forecasts. Remote Sensing, 10 (11). p. 1701. ISSN 2072-4292
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