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Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf and Lüdtke, Andreas (2005) Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit. In: Analysieren - Modellieren - Entscheiden. Entwicklung und Förderung der strategischen Handlungsflexibilität:, 3 . W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 49-67. ISBN 3-7639-0654-1
Schröder, Olaf and Möbus, Claus and Lüdtke, Andreas (2003) Individuelle Voraussetzungen der strategischen Handlungsflexibilität. In: Strategische Handlungsflexibilität. W. Bertelsmann-Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 17-80. ISBN 3-7639-0652-5
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf (1998) Zur Modellierung des Wissenserwerbs als deduktive und induktive Wissensveränderung. In: Wissen. Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Themenbereich C: Theorie und Forschung, Serie II: Kognition, 6 . Verlag für Psychologie, Hogrefe, Göttingen, pp. 403-456. ISBN 978-3-8017-0531-2
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf (1997) Acquiring qualitative and quantitative knowledge from verbal statements and dialogues in probabilistic domains. In: SoftStat ´97. Advances in Statistical Software (6). Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart:, pp. 267-274. ISBN 3-8282-0032-X
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf (1997) Building Domain Models by Novices in Stochastics: Towards the Probabilistic Semantics of Verbalized Stochastic Relations. In: Artificial Intelligence in Education: Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems. IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 394-401. ISBN 9051993536
Thole, Heinz-Jürgen and Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf (1997) Domain Knowledge Structure, Knowledge Representation and Hypotheses Testing. In: Artificial Intelligence in Education: Knowledge and Media in Learning Systems. IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 410-417. ISBN 90-5199-353-6
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf (1997) Unterstützung der Bildung stochastischer Modelle: Von qualitativen verbalen Relationsbeschreibungen zu quantitatitven Beziehungen. In: KogWis 97 : Proceedings der 3. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, pp. 129-132. ISBN 3-00-001761-5
Schröder, Olaf and Möbus, Claus and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (1996) Acquiring Knowledge from Linguistic Models in Complex, Probabilistic Domains. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (EuroAI-ED ´96). Edições Colibri, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 206-212. ISBN 972-8288-37-9
Folckers, Jörg and Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (1996) An Intelligent Problem Solving Environment for Designing Explanation Models and for Diagnostic Reasoning in Probabilistic Domains. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1086). Springer, Berlin, pp. 353-362.
Schröder, Olaf and Möbus, Claus and Folckers, Jörg and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (1996) Supporting the Construction of Explanation Models and Diagnostic Reasoning in Probabilistic Domains. In: International Conference on the Learning Sciences (ICLS 96). Proceedings of the ICLS . Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Charlottesville, VA, USA, pp. 60-67. ISBN 1-880094-23-1
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (1996) WULPUS - An Intelligent Problem Solving Environment Delivering Knowledge Based Help and Explanations in Business Management Simulation. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1086). Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 550-559. ISBN 978-3-540-68460-2
Schröder, Olaf and Möbus, Claus and Pitschke, Knut (1995) A Cognitive Model of Design Processes for Modelling Distributed Systems. In: Artificial Intelligence in Education, Proceedings of AI-ED 95,. Artificial Intelligence in Education . Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Charlottesville, VA, USA, pp. 146-153. ISBN 1-880094-16-9
Pitschke, Knut and Schröder, Olaf and Möbus, Claus (1995) Erklärungsgenerierung in Petri-Help. In: GISI 95, Herausforderungen eines globalen Informationsverbundes für die Informatik. Theoretical Computer Science, Informatik Aktuell . Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 304-313. ISBN 3-540-60213-5
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (1995) Online Modeling the Novice-Expert Shift in Programming Skills on a Rule-Schema-Case Partial Order. In: Cognition and Computer Programming. Ablex Series in Computational Sciences . Ablex, Norwood, N.J., USA, pp. 63-105. ISBN 1-56750-094-3
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (1995) WULPUS: Wissensbasierte Hilfen und Erklärungen für ein betriebswirtschaftliches Planspiel. In: GISI 95. Informatik Aktuell . Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 284-292. ISBN 3-540-60213-5
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (1994) Diagnosing and Evaluating the Acquisition Process of Problem Solving Schemata. In: Student Modelling: The Key to Individualized Instruction. Nato ASI Subseries F: (125). Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, pp. 211-264. ISBN 978-3-642-08186-6
Schröder, Olaf and Möbus, Claus and Pitschke, Knut (1993) Designing Help for Viewpoint Centered Planning of Petri Nets. In: Artificial Intelligence in Education, Proceedings of AI-ED 93. Proceedings of AI-ED . Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Charlottesville, VA, USA, pp. 370-377. ISBN 1-880094-08-8
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf (1993) The Acquisition of Functional Planning- and Programming Knowledge: Diagnosis, Modeling, and User-Adapted Help. In: The Cognitive Psychology of Knowledge. Advances in Psychology . Elsevier (North-Holland), Amsterdam, NL, pp. 233-261. ISBN 978-0-444-89942-2
Möbus, Claus and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen and Schröder, Olaf (1993) Diagnosis of Intentions and Interactive Support of Planning in a Functional, Visual Programming Language. In: Simulation-Based Experiential Learning. NATO ASI Series, Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences (122). Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 61-76. ISBN 978-3-642-78539-9
Möbus, Claus and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen and Schröder, Olaf (1993) Interactive Support of Planning in a Functional, Visual Programming Language. In: Proceedings AI-ED 93. World Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education, 1993 . Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Charlottesville, VA, USA, pp. 362-369. ISBN 1-880094-08-8
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (1992) A Model of the Acquisition and Improvement of Domain Knowledge for Functional Programming. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (Special Issue on Student Modelling), 3 (4). pp. 449-476. ISSN 1560-4292
Möbus, Claus and Pitschke, Knut and Schröder, Olaf (1992) Towards the Theory-Guided Design of Help Systems for Programming and Modelling Tasks. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (608). Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New york, pp. 294-301. ISBN 978-3-540-47254-4
Schröder, Olaf and Möbus, Claus (1992) Zur Diagnose und Modellierung von Wissensveränderungen im Rahmen einer Stocksituationstheorie. In: Maschinelles Lernen - Modellierung von Lernen mit Maschinen. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 23-62. ISBN 978-3-642-77623-6
Pitschke, Knut and Schröder, Olaf and Möbus, Claus (1991) Entwurf eines Hilfesystems für Petrinetzmodellierer. In: Informatik und Schule 1991. Informatik-Fachberichte (292). Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, pp. 299-305. ISBN 978-3-540-54619-1
Schröder, Olaf and FRANK, K.D and KOHNERT, Klaus and Möbus, Claus and RAUTERBERG, Matthias (1990) Instruction-Based Knowledge Acquisition and Modification: The Operational Knowledge for a Functional, Visual Programming Language. Computers in Human Behavior, 6 (1). pp. 31-49. ISSN 0747-5632
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf (1990) Representing Semantic Knowledge with 2-dimensional Rules in the Domain of Functional Programming. In: Visualization in Human-Computer Interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (439). Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, pp. 47-81. ISBN 978-3-540-47102-8
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (1990) Wissenserwerbsmodellierung und Wissensdiagnostik zur Gestaltung adaptiver Hilfen. In: Bericht über den 37. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Kiel 1990. Verlag für Psychologie, Hogrefe, Göttingen, pp. 630-631. ISBN 3 8017 0416 5
Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf (1989) Knowledge Specification and Instructions for a Visual Computer Language. In: Man-Computer-Interaction Research. Macinter II: Selected Papers of the Man-Computer Interaction Research Network of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) . Elsevier Science Publishers (North Holland), Amsterdam, NL, pp. 535-565. ISBN 0444873368
Colonius, Hans and Frank, K.D. and Janke, Gaby and Kohnert, K. and Möbus, Claus and Schröder, Olaf and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (1988) Spezifikation und Wissenserwerb mit ikonischen Regeln am Beispiel einer funktionalen, visuellen Programmiersprache. In: 36. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Verlag für Psychologie, Hogrefe, Göttingen, p. 339. ISBN 3 8017 0321 5