Items where Subject is "Technology, medicine, applied sciences > Engineering and machine engineering"

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Number of items at this level: 56.


Eilers, Mark and Möbus, Claus and Tango, Fabio and Pietquin, Olivier (2013) The learning of longitudinal human driving behavior and driver assistance strategies. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 21. pp. 295-314.

Brand, Izabella and Gross, Isabel and Li, Dege and Zhang, Yanzhen and Bräuer, Anja U. (2019) Pneumatic conveying printing technique for bioprinting applications. RSC Advances, 70 (9). 40910 -40916. ISSN 2046-2069

Eilers, Mark and Möbus, Claus (2014) Discriminative Learning of Relevant Percepts for a Bayesian Autonomous Driver Model. ThinkMind // COGNITIVE 2014. pp. 19-25. ISSN 2308-4197

Hamade, Dani and Landherr, Jan and Röben, Peter (2024) Applying a design approach to robotics in education. Design and technology education: an international journal, 29 (2). pp. 188-201. ISSN 2040-8633

Mellert, Volker and Koch, Sandra; Reck and Martin; Eenboom, Frauke (2008) Engineering Physics – zehn Jahre Erfahrung mit einem Bachelor-Master-Programm oder Ist Bologna drin, wenn Akkreditierung drauf steht?

Röben, Peter (2014) Solarthermische Kraftwerke. Zeitschrift für Technik im Unterricht : TU, 39 (153). pp. 12-16. ISSN 0342-6254


Chakravarthy, George and Misra, Anil and Shukla, Anand (2004) Renewables and rural electrification. UNSPECIFIED.

Book Section

Baalsrud Hauge, Jannicke Madeleine and Lim, Theodore and Kalverkamp, Matthias and Haase, Florian and Bellotti, Francesco (2016) Analysis on educating mechanical engineers through serious games using pervasive technologies. In: Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference - 2016 ; Volume 1. 36th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (B). The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, N.Y., V01BT02A050. ISBN 978-0-7918-5008-4

Baumann, Martin and Colonius, Hans and Hungar, Hardi and Köster, Frank and Langner, Michael and Lüdtke, Andreas and Möbus, Claus and Peinke, Joachim and Puch, Stefan and Schiessl, Carola and Steenken, Rieke and Weber, Lars (2009) Integrated Modeling for Safe Transportation - Driver modeling and driver experiments. In: Fahrermodellierung in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. Fortschrittsbericht des VDI in der Reihe 22 (Mensch-Maschine-Systeme) (28). VDI-verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 84-99. ISBN 978-3-18-302822-1

Eilers, Mark and Möbus, Claus (2011) Learning of a Bayesian Autonomous Driver Mixture-of-Behaviors (BAD-MoB) Model. In: Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA, pp. 436-445. ISBN 978-1-4398-3511-1

Eilers, Mark and Möbus, Claus (2011) Learning the Human Longitudinal Control Behavior with a Modular Hierarchical Bayesian Mixture-of-Behaviors Model. In: IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM . Curran Associates Inc, Red Hook, NY, USA, pp. 540-545. ISBN 978-1-4577-0890-9

Eilers, Mark and Möbus, Claus (2011) Learning the Relevant Percepts of Modular Hierarchical Bayesian Driver Models Using a Bayesian Information Criterion. In: Digital Human Modeling. LNCS (6777). Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 463-472. ISBN 978-3-642-21799-9

Eilers, Mark and Möbus, Claus (2010) Lernen eines modularen Bayesian Autonomous Driver Mixture-of-Behaviors (BAD MoB) Modells. In: Fahrermodellierung - Zwischen kinematischen Menschmodellen und dynamisch-kognitiven Verhaltensmodellen. Fortschrittsbericht des VDI in der Reihe 22 (Mensch-Maschine-Systeme) (32). VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 61-74. ISBN 978-3-18-303222-8

Hamade, Dani (2023) Einführung in Python. In: Roboter im Unterricht: Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration im schulischen Einsatz. Landesinitiative n-21, Hannover, pp. 90-98.

Hamade, Dani (2023) Lichtschranke, Farbsensor und Sortierung. In: Roboter im Unterricht: Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration im schulischen Einsatz. Landesinitiative n-21, Hannover, pp. 73-81.

Hamade, Dani (2023) Linearachse. In: Roboter im Unterricht: Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration im schulischen Einsatz. Landesinitiative n-21, Hannover, pp. 82-85.

Hamade, Dani (2023) Robotik im Technikunterricht: Einordnung und curriculare Rahmenvorgaben. In: Roboter im Unterricht: Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration im schulischen Einsatz. Landesinitiative n-21, Hannover, pp. 14-16.

Hamade, Dani and Landherr, Jan (2023) Grundlagen in Blockly. In: Roboter im Unterricht: Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration im schulischen Einsatz. Landesinitiative n-21, Hannover, pp. 64-72.

Hamade, Dani and Landherr, Jan (2023) Teacher training in robotics: evaluating the implementation of robotics and teacher's motivation and self-efficacy towards robotics. In: PATT40, Liverpool 2023: Pupils' Attitudes Towards Technology Conference: diverse experiences of design and technology education for a contemporary and pluralist society. Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, pp. 1-15. ISBN 978-1-3999-6726-6

Landherr, Jan and Hamade, Dani (2023) Das Thema Robotik am Beispiel des Dobots: Medium und Unterrichtsgegenstand. In: Technikunterricht - konkret. Tagung der DGTB (24). DGTB ; University of Oldenburg Press, [Karlsruhe] ; Oldenburg, pp. 209-227. ISBN 978-3-9476868-04-9 - 978-3-8142-2415-2

Landherr, Jan and Hamade, Dani (2023) Vernetzung mittels Taster. In: Roboter im Unterricht: Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration im schulischen Einsatz. Landesinitiative n-21, Hannover, p. 86.

Lenk, Jan and M, Claus (2011) Modeling Lateral and Longitudinal Control of Human Drivers with Multiple Linear Regression Models. In: Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA, pp. 446-456. ISBN 978-1-4398-3511-1

Lenk, Jan Charles and Möbus, Claus (2010) Statistische Modellierung der Lateral- und Longitudinalregelung. In: Fahrermodellierung - Zwischen kinematischen Menschmodellen und dynamisch-kognitiven Verhaltensmodellen. Fortschrittsbericht des VDI in der Reihe 22 (Mensch-Maschine-Systeme) (32). VDI-Verlag, D, pp. 161-170. ISBN 978-3-18-303222-8

Lüdtke, Andreas and Möbus, Claus (2002) Prognose von Bedienungsfehlern durch Routinebildung in teilautonomen Systemen: Konzept und empirische Untersuchung. In: Bedienen und Verstehen: 4. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme 2001. Fortschritt-Berichte : Reihe 22, Mensch-Maschine-Systeme (8). VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany, pp. 164-184. ISBN 3-18-300822-X

Lüdtke, Andreas and Möbus, Claus and Thole, Heinz-Jürgen (2002) Cognitive Modelling Approach to Diagnose Over-Simplification in Simulation-Based Training. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, ITS2002. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2363). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin - Heidelberg, pp. 496-506. ISBN 978-3-540-47987-1

Möbus, Claus and Eilers, Mark (2009) Further Steps towards Driver Modeling according to the Bayesian Programming Approach. In: Digital Human Modeling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 5620), 5620 . Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 413-422. ISBN 978-3-642-02808-3

Möbus, Claus and Eilers, Mark (2011) Integrating Anticipatory Competence into a Bayesian Driver Model. In: Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation: Models, Tools and Risk Methods. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 225-232. ISBN 978-8847018204

Möbus, Claus and Eilers, Mark (2011) Mixture of Behaviors and Levels-of-Expertise in a Bayesian Autonomous Driver Model. In: Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA, pp. 425-435. ISBN 978-1-4398-3511-1

Möbus, Claus and Eilers, Mark (2011) Prototyping smart assistance with Bayesian autonomous driver models. In: Handbook of research on ambient intelligence and smart environments : trends and perspectives. Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA 17033, USA, pp. 460-512. ISBN 978-1-616-92857-5

Möbus, Claus and Eilers, Mark and Garbe, Hilke (2011) Predicting the Focus of Attention and Deficits in Situation Awareness with a Modular Hierarchical Bayesian Driver Model. In: Digital Human Modeling. LNCS (6777). Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 483-492. ISBN 978-3-642-21799-9

Möbus, Claus and Eilers, Mark and Garbe, Hilke and Zilinski, Malte (2009) Probabilistic, and Empirical Grounded Modeling of Agents in Partial Cooperative (Traffic) Scenarios. In: Digital Human Modeling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 5620) . Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg, 423-432. ISBN 978-3-642-02808-3

Möbus, Claus and Eilers, Mark and Zilinski, Malte and Garbe, Hilke (2009) Mixture of Behaviors in a Bayesian Driver Model. In: Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt technischer Systeme. Fortschrittsberichte Mensch-Maschine-Systeme, VDI Reihe 22 (29). VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 221-226. ISBN 978-3-18-302922-8

Möbus, Claus and Garbe, Hilke (2009) Learning the DAG of Bayesian belief networks by asking (conditional) (in-)dependence questions. In: K-CAP '09 Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Knowledge Capture. ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence . Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, pp. 199-200. ISBN 978-1-60558-658-8

Möbus, Claus and Hübner, Stephan and Garbe, Hilke (2007) Driver Modelling: Two-Point- or Inverted Gaze-Beam-Steering. In: Prospektive Gestaltung von Mensch-Technik-Interaktion. Fortschritt-Berichte VDI-Reihe 22 (25). VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, Germany, pp. 483-488. ISBN 978-3-18-302522-0

Möbus, Claus and Lenk, Jan Ch. and Claasen, Arno and Özyurt, Jale and Thiel, Christiane M. (2010) Checking the Brain Mapping Hypothesis: Predicting and Validating BOLD Curves for a Complex Task Using ACT-R. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Drexel University Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 163-168.

Röben, Peter and Landherr, Jan and Hamade, Dani (2023) Didaktik des Roboters und der Robotik an allgemeinbildenden Schulen. In: Roboter im Unterricht: Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration im schulischen Einsatz. Landesinitiative n21, Hannover, pp. 10-14.

Willms, Janine and Möbus, Claus (1998) Die Extraktion von Restriktionen aus Aufgabenbeschreibungen für die statische, konzeptbasierte Diagnose von Lösungs- bzw. Schaltungsentwürfen (aus der Pneumatik). In: Informatik und Ausbildung. Informatik aktuell . Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg, pp. 241-250. ISBN 978-3-642-72169-4

Willms, Janine and Möbus, Claus (2000) Evolution of the Hypotheses Testing Approach in Intelligent Problem Solving Environments. In: Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1839). Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg, pp. 403-412. ISBN 978-3-540-45108-2

Wortelen, Bertram and Zilinski, Malte and Baumann, Martin and Muhrer, Elke and Vollrath, Mark and Eilers, Mark and Möbus, Claus (2011) Modelling Aspects of Longitudinal Control in an Integrated Driver Model. In: Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation: Models, Tools and Risk Methods. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, pp. 181-189. ISBN 978-88-470-1820-4


Pitu, Cosmin (2012) Mobile und Echtzeit-fähige Kontext-Modellierung, -Erfassung und -Verwaltung in der Domäne des (Smart) Home Sharings. Masters, Universität Oldenburg.

Abdelaal, Mohamed (2016) Enabling Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensing with Improved Service Quality. PhD, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Boger, Jürgen (2013) Bahnplanungsframework für ein autonomes Fahrzeug. Masters, Universität Oldenburg.

Bromm, Marc (2020) Deflection of wind turbine wakes by yaw misalignment – Simulation and field testing. PhD, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg.

Große Austing, Stephan (2012) Komplexitätsmessung von Produktmodellen. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Haut, Christopher and Mellert, Volker and Stelljes, Tenzin Sonam (2009) Wind-induced flow noise in headphones. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_bachelor" not defined], Universität Oldenburg.

Kasim, Helen (2023) The Effects of Independent Automatic Gain Control on Spatial Hearing of Individual Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users: Computational Modeling and Psychoacoustic Experiments. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_bachelor" not defined], Department für Medizinische Physik und Akustik.

McLeod, Jacqueline (2015) Efficiency Analysis of an Air-Sand Heat Exchanger for selected operating conditions based on CFD-DEM Simulation. Masters, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Nelle, Kikan Eleonore (2024) Avoid, shift, improve - Coupling of a transport model with a car stock model to compare the effects of three main policy strategies in German passenger transport. Masters, Universität Oldenburg.

Pargmann, Hergen (1998) COMDES: Simulations- undVerifikationstechiken für den Hardware Entwurf auf Systemebene. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Poland, Kathleen (2009) Verkehrslärm – Quelle, Wirkung und Minderung:Europäische Umgebungslärmrichtlinie: Vergleich von Messung und Prognose. Masters, Universität Oldenburg.

Rabe, Dirk (2001) Accurate power analysis of integrated CMOS circuits on gate level. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Radetzki, Martin (2000) Synthesis of digital circuits from object-oriented specifications. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Siegert, Jonas (2021) Die Ausstattung der Technikräume in den Schulen in Niedersachsen- eine empirische Untersuchung. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_bachelor" not defined], Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg.

Tapia, Mariela (2015) Evaluation of Performance Models against Actual Performance of Grid Connected PV Systems. Masters, Carl von Ossietzky Universität.

Wietek, Frank (2000) Intelligente Analyse multidimensionaler Daten in einer visuellen Programmierumgebung und deren Anwendung in der Krebsepidemiologie. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.

Conference or Workshop Item

Trujillo, Juan José and Bischoff, Oliver and Hofsäß, Martin and Rettenmeier, Andreas and Schlipf, David and Kühn, Martin (2010) Validation of a dynamic meandering model with near wake lidar measurements. In: DEWEK - German wind energy conference, 17-18 November 2010, Bremen.

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