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Adam, Jörg (2017) Platin-Nanopartikel für die heterogene Katalyse: Synthese und Charakterisierung durch die Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
Adler, Christian and Schmidtmann, Marc and Beckhaus, Rüdiger (2017) Crystal structure of n-butyl-tris(dicyclo-hexylamido)hafnium(IV), C40H75HfN3. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie / New crystal structures, 232 (4). pp. 623-625. ISSN 1433-7266
Bunjes, Farina and Fleischmann, Peter and Pietzner, Verena and Rühl, Martin and Zorn, Holger (2017) Natural experiments: chemistry with mushrooms. Science in school (42). pp. 36-41. ISSN 1818-0361
Burfeind, Benjamin Jonas (2017) Zum Verhalten wässriger Aminlösungen in der absorptiven Gasaufbereitung. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
Dongmo, Saustin (2017) Local electrochemical formation and selective detection of reactive oxygen species. PhD, Universität Oldenburg..
Fischer, Malte and Schmidtmann, Marc and Beckhaus, Rüdiger (2017) Crystal structure of the formal 20 electron zirconocene pentafulvene complex Cp2Zr(η5,η1-adamantylidenepentafulvene):toluene:n-hexane = 1:0.125:0.125. Acta crystallographica: Section E, Crystallographic communications, 73 (12). pp. 1823-1826. ISSN 2056-9890
Großekappenberg, Henning (2017) Eigenschaften und Reaktionen tertiärer und sekundärer Silylkationen sowie aluminiumbasierter Lewis-Säuren. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
Häseler, Jörg and Creydt, Marina and Dingel, Anna and Doert, Martin and Fischer, Markus and Humpf, Hans-Ulrich and Kroh, Lothar W. and Matissek, Reinhard and Pietzner, Verena and Pischetsrieder, Monika and Rühl, Martin and Schnapka, Julia and Schrenk, Dieter and Vilcinskas, Andreas and Zorn, Holger (2017) Mahlzeit! Prost! Wohl bekomms! In: Unendliche Weiten: kreuz und quer durchs Chemie-Universum. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 146-155. ISBN 3-527-34203-6 987-3-527-34203-7
Jarcev, S. D. and Miljuškin, A. L. and Chesina, Z. B. and Revina, А. А. and Suvorova, О. V. and Rößner, Frank and Petuchova, G. A. and Burjak, A. K. (2017) Получение и исследование каталитической активности шунгита, модифицированного наночастицами меди = Synthesis and study of catalytical activity of shungite modified with copper. Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы = Sorption and chromatography processes, 17 (2). pp. 212-219. ISSN 1680-0613
Krause, Moritz and Pietzner, Verena and Dori, Yehudit Judy and Eilks, Ingo (2017) Differences and developments in attitudes and self-efficacy of prospective chemistry teachers concerning the use of ICT in education. Eurasia journal of mathematics, science and technology education, 13 (8). pp. 4405-4417. ISSN 1305-8223
Lühning, Lars Henrik (2017) Neue Titankatalysatoren für Hydroaminierungs- und Hydroaminoalkylierungsreaktionen zur Generierung pharmazeutisch relevanter Strukturmotive. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
Manßen, Manfred and Schmidtmann, Marc and Beckhaus, Rüdiger (2017) Crystal structure of 1,1-bis(η5-adamantylcyclopentadienyl)-3-phenyl-2-trimethylsilyl-2,3-dihydroisotitanazole, C42H55NSiTi. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie / New crystal structures, 232 (4). pp. 671-673. ISSN 1433-7266
Mohrhusen, Lars and Osmić, Milena (2017) Sterical ligand stabilization of nanocrystals versus electrostatic shielding by ionic compounds: a principle model study with TEM and XPS. RSC Advances, 7 (21). pp. 12897-12907. ISSN 2046-2069
Nefedova, Tatiana N. and Thomé, Andreas Georg and Schroeter, Frank and Selemenev, Vladimir Fedorovich and Rößner, Frank (2017) Влияние структуры кремнезема на процесс его дегидратации = Influence of silica structure on its dehydration. Сорбционные и хроматографические процессы = Sorption and chromatography processes, 17 (5). pp. 741-749. ISSN 1680-0613
Oswald, Tim and Beermann, Thomas and Saak, Wolfgang and Beckhaus, Rüdiger (2017) Crystal structure of a P4-bridged (η5-pentamethyl-cyclopentadienyl)(η5-adamantylcyclopentadienyl) titanium(III)complex, C50H66P4Ti2. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie / New crystal structures, 232 (1). pp. 143-145. ISSN 1433-7266
Oswald, Tim and Diekmann, Mira and Frey, Annika and Schmidtmann, Marc and Beckhaus, Rüdiger (2017) Crystal structures of titanium–aluminium and –gallium complexes bearing twoμ2-CH3units. Acta crystallographica: Section E, Crystallographic communications, 73 (5). pp. 691-693. ISSN 2056-9890
Reinhold, Crispin R. W. (2017) Sila- and Germacyclopentadienes: radicals, anions, and a new type of tetrylene. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
Ruddigkeit, Birger (2017) Enzym-katalysierte, kinetische Racematspaltung α-quartärer β-Oxoester. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.
Semmler, Luzie and Pietzner, Verena (2017) Creativity in chemistry class and in general: German student teachers' views. Chemistry education research and practice, 18 (2). pp. 310-328. ISSN 1756-1108
Springub, Annika and Semmler, Luzie and Uchinokura, Shingo and Pietzner, Verena (2017) Chemistry teachers' perceptions and attitudes towards creativity in chemistry class. In: Cognitive and Affective Aspects in Science Education Research. Contributions from Science Education Research (3). Springer, Cham, pp. 41-54. ISBN 978-3-319-58684-7
Tamahrajaha, Jaybalan and Goncharova, Irina and Pytskii, Ivan and Shiryaev, Andrey A. and Averin, Alexey A. and Kiselev, Michail R. and Shaphigulina, Alevtina and Basirun, Wan Jefrey and Buryak, Alexey K. and Pethukova, Galina A. and Rößner, Frank (2017) X-ray coupled laser desorption ionization assessment of layered double hydroxides for nitrate adsorption based on ion size, affinity and compromised layer height. Applied clay science, 143. pp. 134-141. ISSN 0169-1317
Thomé, Andreas Georg and Ayral, Nils and Toufar, Helge and Klüner, Thorsten and Rößner, Frank (2017) Dehydration of 2.3.-butandiol: a catalytical and theoretical approach. Catalysis letters, 147 (5). pp. 1271-1277. ISSN 1572-879X
Thomé, Andreas Georg and Harms, Corinna and Rößner, Frank (2017) Synthesis of macro-mesoporous MCM-41 and its use in methylene blue adsorption. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 89 (7). pp. 944-948. ISSN 1522-2640
Thomé, Andreas Georg and Peters, Stefan and Rößner, Frank (2017) iTPR - a new methodical approach for temperature programmed reduction of catalysts with improved sensitivity. Catalysis communications, 97. pp. 10-13. ISSN 1566-7367
Yamashita, Shuichi and Kashiwaguma, Yasuyuki and Hayashi, Hideko and Pietzner, Verena (2017) Improvement and evaluation of copper oxidation experimental procedure for the introduction of the law of definite proportion. Science education international, 28 (2). pp. 167-171. ISSN 2077-2327