Jansen, Michelle G. and Oostermann, Joujke and Folkerts, Ann-Kristin and Kessels, Roy P. C. and Kalbe, Elke and Roheger, Mandy (2023) Classification of MeMory InTerventions: rationale and developmental process of the COMMIT tool. Neuropsychological rehabilitation. ISSN 1464-0694


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Over the last decades, numerous memory interventions havebeen developed to mitigate memory decline in normalageing. However, there is a large variability in the successof memory interventions, and it remains poorly understoodwhich memory intervention programs are most effectiveand for whom. This is partially explained by theheterogeneity of memory intervention protocols acrossstudies as well as often poor reporting of the study design.To facilitate a reporting framework that enables researchersto systemize the content and design of memoryintervention paradigms, we developed the Classification OfMeMory InTerventions (COMMIT) tool using a 3-stagedevelopmental process. Briefly, COMMIT was based onqualitative content analysis of already existing memoryintervention studies published between April 1983 and July2020, and iteratively validated by both internal andexternal expert panels. COMMIT provides an easily-applicable interactive tool that enables systematicdescription of memory intervention studies, together withinstructions on how to use this classification tool. Our maingoal is to provide a tool that enables the reporting andclassification of memory interventions in a transparent,comprehensible, and complete manner, to ensure a bettercomparability between memory interventions, and, toultimately contribute to the question which memoryintervention shows the greatest benefits.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Philosophy and psychology > Psychology
Divisions: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Department of Psychology
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2024 13:12
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2024 13:12
URI: https://oops.uni-oldenburg.de/id/eprint/6303
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:715-oops-63844
DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2023.2236346

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