Wanichsombat, Apirat (2011) Algebraic structure of endomorphism monoids of finite graphs. PhD, Universität Oldenburg.


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Unser Ziel in dieser Dissertation ist die Untersuchung der Beziehung zwischen der Halbgruppen-Theorie und der Graphen-Theorie. Da es bekannt ist, dass End(G) die Menge aller Endomorphismen von Graphen ein Monoid ist, konzentrieren wir uns auf die algebraischen Strukturen, wie regulär, vollständig regulär, orthodox oder Clifford Halbgruppen. Da die allgemeine Situation zu kompliziert ist, studieren wir die algebraische Struktur auf dem Monoid einiger spezieller Graphen.

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Our aim in this dissertation is studying the relationship between semigroup theory and graph theory. Since it is well known that , the set of all endomorphisms of graph is a monoid, we consider the algebraic structures, such as regular, completely regular, orthodox, Clifford semigroup, etc., in this endomorphism monoid. Since it is very complicated to characterize the algebraic structures for the monoids of any graph, we study the algebraic structure of the monoid of some special graphs. We hope that the results on this special graphs will lead the way to characterize algebraic structures of the monoids of other graphs.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Undirected graphs , unretractive graphs , endomorphism monoids , regular endomorphisms, graph operations
Controlled Keywords: Endomorphismenmonoid , Endlicher Graph , Algebraische Struktur , Halbgruppentheorie , Graphentheorie
Subjects: Science and mathematics > Mathematics
Divisions: Faculty of Mathematics and Science > Institute for Mathematics (IfM)
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2013 14:26
Last Modified: 08 Jul 2013 13:04
URI: https://oops.uni-oldenburg.de/id/eprint/1119
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:715-oops-11960

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