Quantification of Time-Domain Truncation Errors for the Reinitialization of Fractional Integrators

Keywords: fractional differential equations (FDEs), observer design, uncertain cooperative dynamics, temporal truncation errors, state estimation


In recent years, fractional differential equations have received a significant increase in their use for modeling a wide range of engineering applications. In such cases, they are mostly employed to represent non-standard dynamics that involve long-term memory effects or to represent the dynamics of system models that are identified from measured frequency response data in which magnitude and phase variations are observed that could be captured either by low-order fractional models or high-order rational ones. Fractional models arise also when synthesizing CRONE (Commande Robuste d'Ordre Non Entier) and/or fractional PID controllers for rational or fractional systems. In all these applications, it is frequently required to transform the frequency domain representation into time domain. When doing so, it is necessary to carefully address the issue of the initialization of the pseudo state variables of the time domain system model. This issue is discussed in this article for the reinitialization of fractional integrators which arises among others when solving state estimation tasks for continuous-time systems with discrete-time measurements. To quantify the arising time-domain truncation errors due to integrator resets, a novel interval observer-based approach is presented and, finally, visualized for a simplified battery model.


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How to Cite
Rauh, A., & Malti, R. (2022). Quantification of Time-Domain Truncation Errors for the Reinitialization of Fractional Integrators. Acta Cybernetica. https://doi.org/10.14232/actacyb.296010
Special Issue of SCAN 2020